Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Star Trek – enjoying the final frontier without a pocket protector

Well, while I didn’t get the IMAX experience I had hoped for, I did get to watch Star Trek on Sunday – and after the bad taste in my mouth from Wolverine, it is nice to know someone can pull off a sci-fi movie without forgetting the plot.

That is more of a slap at Wolverine, which I disliked so much I decided not to review it, because I thought it would make me sound too geeky

But Star Trek is almost the opposite. It is set in the future, but not so much so that the director decides to shove a million future-like products in your face to reinforce the point. Sure, there are aliens, space travel, tasers and even a good ole “beam me up Scotty!”, it still took a non-trekkie such as myself and drew me in enough that I am looking forward to a sequel!

I know its not for everybody, but I suggest seeing it – even if you are a little skeptical about seeing a movie that could potentially have viewers with Spok ears, try it anyone – it just might fit you.

49ers - Santa Clara bound?

Well, according to the Chronicle, the 49ers have reached a deal for a Santa Clara stadium


I agree with Ray Ratto, but my motto remains the same its always been what it comes to new stadiums: call me when they put a shovel in the ground and I’ll believe it.

How is the A’s “ballpark village” coming along, anyways?
Oh well – I’d miss the ‘stick too much anyways!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Real Manny's don't Juice !

Manny Ramirez tested positive for a banned substance? What could properly express my emotions… Glad to see he got around to apologizing to his teammates - 8 days later and two tongue lashings from the Dodgers owner later. Sounds like a championship is right around the corner!
Oh, the paparazzi got a shot of his doctor that prescribed the medication in question.

"Hi Doctor Nick!"