Thursday, May 12, 2016

What we Learned: Game of Thrones 6.1-6.2: The Red Woman & Home

1. Magic is real
The big reveal from episode 1 was that Melissandre is actually quite old, and not nearly as hot as HBO wanted us to think! But it is really "Home" that reminds us the world we are in. We get a Giant crashing down the walls at Castle Black and delightfully smashing a guy's face against the wall. We get Tyrion interacting with Dragons, sharing a cute story from his childhood, all while adding fuel to that ever burning "Tyrion Targarean" Theory. And then we get that grasp for breath we've been waiting ten months for - They tried to make us think it wouldn't work, but finally, Jon Snow is back! After a few season of not caring about the Wall, "Heartholm" reminded us that's where the real danger lies - ad we are the closest to a Stark reunion we've ever been! Magic!
2. Ramsey - Still the worst.
Yep, Ramsey gets a scene each episode, both showing what a piece of shit he is. Honestly, knowing how he is literally THE WORST, and how valuable screen time is, maybe we could have done without his week one check in, but it does give a little more weight to his total commitment to Patricide. Sure, he has the support of the Karstarks, but he thinks he is going to send a small crew up against Jon Snow - I hope my new homie Wun Wun  tears him in half while Jon Snow thanks him for fixing up Winterfell. It was nice to see Roose Bolton get betrayed, but it was almost as if he was warning Ramsey of his future.
3. An Oath is Finally Kept
It was really nice seeing someone finally keep an oath they swore, and Brienne of Tarth is 2 for 2  - she struck down "Stannis the Mannis" for killing her King, and she saved Sansa from the Boltons and is escorting her to safety - considering she saved Arya form the Hound, she is just crushing it right now - and will be a welcome ally in the wars to come up North. 

More Questions than Answers:

1. Are we going to spend all season with Bran checking out Flashbacks? I enjoyed our first flashback, and from the "Next Week On" segement, it looks like we are getting more. I like where this is going, but also would be really hot and bothered by the thought of a Northern Stark Army led by Jon the Immortal, Sansa the Beautfiul, Arya the Ninja and Bran the All-Seeing Warg! 

2. Willis!?!? Will we see what made Hodor turn into HODOR? I have a sad vision of a young Hodor somehow injuring his brain. 

3. We finally heard a Northern House of great interest to me name checked - the Umbers. As you MIGHT remember from season 3, Rickon Stark was headed to the Umbers with Shaggydog and Osha. While they are mentioned as potential allies fo the Bolton cause, it made me wonder - did Rickon make it? Are they hiding him? 

4. Do we care about the Lannisters anymore? Their power seems to be dwindling - their gold mines have dried up, the crown is in debt, and they are being told where they can and can't go in the city. It seems like a matter of time before things completely go south for them. 

 GoT Warrior Power Rankings

1. Jon Snow: He's so bad, death can't keep him down. Let's hope he knows what to do with a second cahnce.

2. Brienne of Tarth: She totally saved the day - who says this show doesn't have positive female storylines? She baiscally killed 6 men, althoug hshe got an assist from Podrick (Who appears to have been training) and Theon.  

3. Tormund Giantsbane: I asked, and GoT DELIVERED: Last Post: "Avenge your ally, Tormund. Bring Wun Wun."  This Northern Army is shaping up quite nicely, !  

4. Daario Naharis: Hasn't done much to speak of yet, besides chat wit hJorah. Here's hoping they can get .

5. Jorah Mormont: He sure is cocky for a guy who nearly died last week - what's his problem with Tyrion?

6. Wun Wun: OK, he didn't eat Ser Allister Thorne, but he was definitely awesome as usual.

7. The Mountain: He's back!!!! We haven't seen him fight, but we've seen dead men can fight jsut as viciously as the living

8. Ser Bronn of the Blackwater: Conspicuously absent, perhaps for payroll reasons. I wonder when well see him again.

9. Grey Worm: He appears to be a better fighter than a detective. .    

10. Tyrion Lannister: Although he hasn't fought anyone, he did win the courage test of "when people are running away from something, which way do YOU run"? test wehn the fleet is destroyed, and he bravely uncages the Dragons.8               That scene was expertly crafted.

11. Jaime Lannister: Jaime seems like he is going to be the last Lannister going down fighting - here is to hoping that he escapes King's Landing in time to join up with his baby brother.  

Quoted Quotables:

Tyrion: "If I lost my cock, I'd drink all the time."
"I'm here to help. Don't eat the help. "

Tyrion: "When I was a child, an ucle asked, what gift I wanted for my name day. I begged him for one of you. 'It wouldn't even have to be a big dragon,' I told him, it could be little, like me.' Everyone laughed, liek it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard. And then my father told me the last dragon ahd died over a century ago. I cried myself to sleep that night. But here you are."

Faceless Man: Leave it. A girl is not a beggar anymore."

Bolton: "Murder the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch? You'd unit all the houses in the North against us."

Bolton: "If you acquire a reputation as a mad dog you'll be treated as a mad dog. taken out back and slaughtered for pig feed."

Ramsey " I look forward to meeting my new brother."

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