Sunday, May 22, 2016

What we Learned: Game of Thrones 6.5 Home

1. White Walker Army - Still terrifying!
Well, way to go Bran. Uncle three eyed Raven ASKED you not to play with the tree while he was taking a nap, and look what happened. I know zombie purists like the slow moving brain chompers, but that hallway scene of them coming from every angle was haunting. I was pacing around the living room wondering how they might get out of it! And Bran's party took some major hits. Poor Summer. Our second Direwolf of the year is gone, leaving only Ghost and the hope that Nymeria is out causing trouble. and Hodor. Poor, poor Hodor. We showed us his wiener in season 1 and won our hearts, Telling us what his purpose in the show was all along. Hold the Door. It was so heartbreaking watching him torn to shreds while he held back the army of the dead. I just hope he held on long enough. RIP Hodor.

2. Are we really going to drag out Arya's plotline?
The way Arya's scenes are going, I feel like we will mostly see her Jedi Ninja training until the end of the show. I almost feel like she will graduate, disappear for a half a season, and then pop up at a critical moment to kill someone for the many faced god, that will be critical to saving our heroes. But speaking of heartbreaking, it was sad watching Arya's face going from laughter when watching the actor's depiction of King Robert, to sadness when seeing how her family was portrayed. It also reminded me something I love about this show - how news actually travels. I am not entirely sure, but I felt like Arya  found out about Sansa's marriage to Tyrion from the play - it wouldn't be an episode of Thrones without some Sad Stark Music. It was also telling that this is how the people of Braavos see the war of Westeros, as a bunch of fools fighting each other, also showing that historical records are quite biased, and very dependent on who wrote them. But Arya is so clearly a Stark, can she serve a house of assassins? That last line where she is told servanmts don't ask questions, it seems like she might have trouble killing innocents. 

3. Well, that was a short Kingsmoot
I was told book readers were quite excited about this scene. Seems like Euron Greyjoy took a page out of Dany's playbook - kill the leader, and the others will follow. I am glad this moved along quickly, as I do not care about the Iron-Born, until the idea was raised that they will be escorting the Daenerys across the Narrow Sea to Westeros to take the Iron Thrones. Was I the only one who thought for a second that Euron died when they let him drowned during that ceremony? That would have been pretty funny.   

4. We now know Jon's plan
It sounds while Jon is leaving the Night's Watch, but not forgetting it. He is worried about the Boltons and the Walkers in their strategy meeting. Take Winterfell, fortify the North, and ready for the real war to come. I enjoyed every aspect of that strategy meeting - Daavos reminding them that while oaths are great, real men fight for a cause they believe wont get their entire families murdered. It seems like a strong brain trust, with differing opinions to balance each other out, and Melissandre shutting the H up until someone asks her to do some magic.

5. Daenerys is readying for her big stage.
Not a lot happens - she finally forgive Jorah the Andal, and commands him to find the cure to Grey Scale. It is a touching scene to see his redemption, and admit his love for her. I now put Jorah in the "Dissappear and reappear at a super convenient time" bin.

More Questions than Answers:

1. How the hell are Bran and Meera going to escape the army of the dead? While it seems impossible, it also seems liek it MUST happen since Bran is probably the only one who can learn the truth about Jon's mother and other Westerosi secrets. I know that Meera isn't dragging him to the wall before the army. Plus they also need to report....

2. THIRD WHITE WALKER DEATH ALERT - OK, whew, take a breat.... We knew about the Dragon glass and the Valyrian steel, but we saw Meera take down a walker with some sort of wooden spear. Was it made of the holy Weirwood tree? Could perhaps spears and arrows made of these trees could be the weapons needed to take down the White Walkers? Again, this information HAS to reach our main players.

3. Is the Lord of Light good? I was always sure he was evil as the Red Priestess burned men and, sniff, Shireen alive. But now he has brought back Jon and pledged allegiance to Daenerys . Maybe the lesson is that good vs. evil depends on what side you are on. But the priestess in Mereen seems even more powerful than Melissandre. I've never seen Varys so terrified.

4. I am a little confused- How was Bran warging into Hodor to get them out of there AND watching him in the past? And why didn't young Wylis drop and lose his mind as soon as Bran warged into him? Or - did Bran Warg Wylis young brain into Old Hodor to keep him holding the door? Either way, bummer.. maybe even Bran doesn't understand exactly what he did with his new Three Eyed Raven powers. I wonder what other past events he'll have an inflence on. 

5. I feel like this week puts an end to the "Umbers are triple  stamping a double cross" speculation, although I can't understand why Sansa doesn't tell Jon about the knights of the Vale. They are a great house to have in their corner, I feel while you wouldn't want to trust Baelish, he is in it for himself. If he can help Sansa re-take the North, it just makes him stronger, although it appears he knew that Ramsey was not some proud little Lordling after all. Maybe he hoped for the best, but I actually believe him when he apologizes to Sansa and says he didn't know these things would happen to her.

 GoT Warrior Power Rankings

1. Jon Snow: He hasn't had to do much fighting, but needed a few verbal lashings from his sister and others to move on from his death. But he is on to take Winterfell, I hope he hands Sansa Ramsey's head.  

2. Brienne of Tarth: She remains savvy counsel for Sansa, and ready to cut down Lord Baelish at the first moment of disrespect.   

3. Tormund Giantsbane: I am thinking that mating rituals for the Northerners is a little different, but Big T  needs to work on his game. I don't think Brienne is feeling him just yet. Maybe a good sword fight will get these two love birds together!

4. Daario Naharis: He doesn't do much this week, save for looking a little hurt by Dany's acceptance of Jorah's love.  
5. Jorah Mormont: Lets hope he finds a cure!

6. The Mountain: Waiting for something big... 

7. Ser Bronn of the Blackwater: Conspicuously absent, perhaps for payroll reasons. I wonder when well see him again.

8. Grey Worm: He also appears to be a better fighter than politician...    

9. Tyrion Lannister: I wonder how the Mother of Dragons will take his politicking.  

10. The Blackfish: Good news hearing that while taking that piss, the Blackfish DID survive the Red Wedding. He has taken back Riverrun and  

Retired: Wun Wun: OKWhile he is one of my favorite characters, it feels unfair to rank him against mere mortals.

Quoted Quotables:

Jaqen: "A servant does not ask questions."

Euron: “Where are my niece and nephew? Let’s go murder them.”

Tyrion: "My friend has a healthy skepticism of religion "

Dany to Jorah: “I command you to heal yourself and then return to me. When I take the Seven Kingdoms I need you by my side.”

Hodor: "Hodor" 

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